Efficiency is the holy grail in the architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) sector. Yet, despite technological advancements, it continues to grapple with challenges that hinder project completion—chief among them are the slow and cumbersome permit processes. But what if there was a way to streamline these processes, making them faster and more intuitive? Enter CODiii, a visionary design and code compliance platform set to transform the AEC industry.

Tackling Industry Challenges Head-On

CODiii has identified several critical bottlenecks that impact the efficiency of design and construction projects:

  • Permit Process Delays: Many applications and frequent back-and-forth communications slow reviews, creating significant bottlenecks.
  • Interpretation Interruptions: Differing interpretations of codes between examiners and designers lead to delays and frustration.
  • Onboarding Complexities: New hires and transferred examiners face a steep learning curve, complicating the onboarding process.
  • Inconsistent Strategies: The lack of uniformity in review processes across municipalities, with some using outdated methods, further complicates matters.

A Mission and Vision to Unite and Streamline

CODiii is about crafting solutions. With a mission to unite all stakeholders in code compliance and a vision to lead globally in AEC efficiency, CODiii is introducing a three-phase strategic plan:

Phase I: CODiii Scout (Spring 2024)

Imagine a world where you can access a searchable database of building codes, including their legacy versions. That’s what CODiii Scout promises. It will also enable code writers to update regulations within the software, ensuring widespread access. Moreover, designers can leverage an AI-driven Q&A component to receive instant answers to their specific design questions.

Phase II: CODiii Rogue (2025)

Next, CODiii plans to launch Rogue, an add-in for the most popular design programs. This tool will feature a design wizard for classifying buildings and a picture book version of the Code Matrix for a straightforward understanding of project requirements. It will also include real-time reporting of code infractions.

Phase III:

Looking ahead, CODiii will introduce a comprehensive permit submission tool for municipalities. This tool will link with Rogue’s design assistant to provide real-time updates and resolutions of code infractions, making the permit process as efficient as possible.

Join the Revolution

With CODiii, the future of the AEC industry looks promising. Integrating advanced software solutions in the design and permit process promises to eliminate existing inefficiencies and set a new standard for project management and execution.

Ready to experience the future of code and design compliance? Contact us today to discover how our innovative solutions can transform your projects from concept to completion.